The Hub Staff Timetable
*Miss Lee, Miss Nelson & Mrs Livingston will do drop in visits each week and spend time with the children and facilitate interventions and/or outside agencies to come in and work with the children.
Monday Morning | Monday Afternoon | Tuesday Morning | Tuesday Afternoon | Wednesday Morning | Wednesday Afternoon | Thursday Morning | Thursday Afternoon | Friday Morning | Friday Afternoon |
Miss Smith Miss Hughes Miss Nelson *Miss Lee | Miss Smith Miss Hughes Miss Fannon | Miss Smith Miss Hughes Mrs McCormick | Miss Smith Miss Hughes Miss Fannon *Miss Nelson | Miss Smith Miss Hughes Miss Holt | Mrs McClinton Miss Holt Mrs Allan | Miss Smith Miss Rose Miss Holt *Mrs Livingston | Miss Smith Miss Rose Mrs Jones | Miss Smith Miss Holt Mrs McCormick | Miss Smith Miss Holt Miss Fannon *Miss Nelson |
The Hub will cater for the needs of complex needs children who are experiencing significant delays or difficulties, who are in receipt of an EHCP, in the process of obtaining an EHCP, have had outside intervention from the Inclusion Team at Lancashire and require significant support in specific areas.
The desire is to equip and support the children with the skills and tools needed to make progress with carefully planned for tasks and a timetable which is incorporating sessions to support needs such as Speech and Language, fine motor skills, sensory circuits, sensory breaks, social skills support and basic number and literacy skills to help the child to make progress and succeed.
The key areas of need incorporated within the hub will be ASD, Speech and Language difficulties and Developmental Delay. The desired outcome for this provision would be to help develop the whole child and make progress against personal targets and, with some children the goal will be to have supported the child to close gaps and be able to access the curriculum within a mainstream class with appropriate inclusive resources, support and interventions.
The children will receive outside agency support for some intervention such as Speech and Language, but will also receive daily intervention within school such as Bucket Time which caters for children who display social communication difficulties and who are non-verbal.
Our staff have been trained to support the children with specific needs and we will continue to upskill ourselves to support the children to make progress.
The children will still mix with their peers and cohort during play times, lunch times and for some activities, however, this will be carefully planned and communicated with the children.
If we feel the children will become dysregulated or we see the children unable to cope in certain situations then we will follow a rigorous plan to ensure the safety and happiness of the children and remove them from the situation.
Curriculum Assessment for SEND
St James' will be using the new PIVATs 5 materials from Lancashire to assess and support all pupils with SEND and also to establish the small steps of progress which the children are making.
Please see below information about PIVATs for assessment of our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Raising standards of achievement within an inclusive education system is an essential expectation for all pupils. All young people in our school have the right to receive an education of the highest quality which is appropriate to their needs.
PIVATS provides a structured approach to assessing, planning for learning, tracking and measuring small steps in attainment, focusing within the PIVATS structure on small steps within the P scales up to the revised national curriculum Y4 age related expectations.
Using PIVATS we recognise achievement and aim to close the gaps in pupils’ attainment. When assessing attainment, tracking and setting learning targets for pupils whose performance lies outside national expectations, certain principles should underpin the process.
Schools have the key role in the assessment of attainment and the setting of appropriate and challenging targets for all pupils and therefore it is important to consider both the attainments of individual pupils and standards across the school. The main aim for all schools is to ‘add value’ to pupils’ progress. This can be demonstrated in the data, but should also be evident in pupils’ work and in discussions with pupils.
What is PIVATS for?
PIVATS is not aimed at providing for pupils who are underachieving – it is aimed at supporting pupils who are working well below national expectations for their age, due to aspects/attributes of SEND.
- A key purpose is to provide supporting material for teachers, TAs and SENCos, in assessment of attainment and achievement, and planning for subsequent learning support. It should also provide support in term of subject knowledge regarding small steps in learning for each aspect.
- It provides criteria for establishing starting points of an initial attainment judgement. This can then be used to aid in measuring future and further progress. Progress may be in very small steps for some pupils due to their needs. Over time it should aid staff in setting appropriate learning targets for individuals.
- It will also provide a basis for judgements to be more consistent, with staff being able to use the indicators to support internal and external moderation, and for use when explaining small steps of achievement to parent and carers.
- It will then provide the basis for evidence of progress for senior leaders and others – backed up by other evidence such as learning journeys, portfolios, etc.
Please see an example of the PIVATs 5 assessment below. There is only one section for number, writing and reading due to copyright issues.
For children who are not yet able to access the National Curriculum or who are still under the Early Years Framework, we will use the following documents to track the children's progress and plan interventions.