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St James' Catholic Primary School'Where we belong, believe and achieve'.


Spring Term 1 - Novel on a Theme - Refugees

Hot seating, role on the wall and writing a recount from Ahmet’s point of view

Autumn Term 2 - Save Our Rainforests!

Autumn Term 2022 - Norse Sagas

Spring Term 2022 - The Tin Forest - Narrative

Spring Term 2 - Visit the Tawd Valley Park

Spring Term 2 - Limericks

The grand opening of our new reading corner

Wordle- competing with Year 6

Spring 1- The Boy at the Back of the Class

We’ve started our new class novel with the theme of immigration: The boy at the back of the class

Guided Reading: We have learnt more about theme of immigration by reading ‘The Arrival’

Here is an example of how our definition of immigration has changed

Extending sentences with our a English working wall

Story maps

The Creakers - Hot seating 

After reading the first few chapters of the Creakers, the children put some of the characters in the hot seat. They asked them about events in the story and their actions. The children got into role really well and showed a super understanding of the different characters. 

Autumn Term 2021 - Fantasy Stories

Autumn Term 2021 - Our final persuasive pieces based on deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest

Autumn Term 2021 - Persuasive writing (reading as a writer)

Autumn Term 2021 - Norse Sagas

Summer Term Showcase Writing - A narrative piece based on the text ‘The Tunnel’

World Book Day 2021

Year 4 Autumn Term 2020 Showcase Writing - Save our Rainforests

Hot seating

Creating our own glossaries

Drama for character exploration
