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St James' Catholic Primary School'Where we belong, believe and achieve'.

Catholic Life Overview

At St. James' Catholic Primary school,  we place the child at the centre of all we do; 'the child first, always'.  Our ultimate aim is to develop the full potential of all our children, leading to their life-long activities being guided by the Spirit and presence of Christ, in the service of God and of others. 

Our Catholic school is a welcoming and safe community, concerned with the education of the whole child.  We strive to help them achieve their full potential and  aim to equip them with self-confidence, drive, compassion and resilience in both their journey with us, and as they move onto their next stage of learning.

We are really curious when it comes to exploring and discovering different beliefs and ways of living.  RE provides opportunities for children and young people to reflect and analyse, to discuss and debate, to explore and discover, and to learn more about the world in which they live.  It also gives them an understanding of how religion can give purpose to different groups of people in society and help children understand that we live in a diverse world in which there are many beliefs. 


RE Intent


Religious Education makes a distinctive contribution to St. James’ Curriculum. It is the school’s vision to develop pupil’s knowledge and understanding of religion, religious beliefs, practices, language and traditions and their influence on individuals, communities, societies and cultures. Our curriculum enables pupils to consider and respond to a range of important questions related to their own spiritual development, the development of values and attitudes and fundamental questions concerning the meaning and purpose of life.


The ‘Come and See’ Religious Education Program (which has been written by the Archdiocese) promotes children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepares all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of the present and the future. As well as this, promoting the Gospel Value of the Church including: Love, Integrity. Compassion, justice, forgiveness, tolerance and peace also underpins everything we do and forms the ethos of the school.
