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St James' Catholic Primary School'Where we belong, believe and achieve'.


PSHE 2023-2024

Autumn 1- We have discussed how we are all similar and different in our own ways. We identified our God given gifts and have drawn ourselves and a friend to show similarities and differences. We also labelled both gender body parts using correct scientific names, and ordered the human life cycle.

Autumn 2- What is the same and different about us? This half term we have discussed how our families are different but may have some things in common. We have looked at ways we can show our families we love and care for them and linked it with the parables of the Lost Sheep. This story was important as it shows us God loves every individual the same, and we are all in God’s family.

Spring Term 1

This half term we have been discussing how to keep healthy. We discussed the people who help us to stay healthy, including nurses, doctors, dentists and our adults at home. We have looked at healthy foods and how important a balanced diet does to our bodies, and how to stay clean and maintaining our personal hygiene.

Summer 1- We have identified all the people who keep us safe. We have also explored ways of staying safe in certain places, such as at home. We have discussed who we can talk too if we need any help or support and who the best people are in different situations.

PSHEE 2022-2023

PSHE Autumn 2021

Parts of the body

Today in PSHE we discussed the names off our body parts as well as our genitals.

We talked about when a mummy has a baby in hospital, how will the doctor know if it is a boy or a girl.

Some children could tell me what they call their private parts.

The children were very sensible and can now tell me the proper names for their private parts.


We watched the ‘Pants’ video from the NSPCC and discussed about keeping our private parts private and only showing them to our parents and doctors or nurses when needed. 

Who is Special to us?

Spring 1 - What helps us to stay healthy?

Looking after ourselves and our World

How do we keep safe?
