At St. James', pastoral support comes in many different forms. All teachers have benefitted from sensory diet and expert behaviour training which places children's mental health at the forefront. Teachers start the week with a PSHEE lesson and encourage all children to talk about how they are feeling and encourage them seek support if they are struggling. Children who need additional support will be identified by their class teacher. The teacher will then work with Mrs Allan (pastoral lead) and parents to formulate a plan that will best support their child. Strategies such as sensory breaks, designated nurture time, friendship group work, bereavement support or cognitive behaviour programmes may be put in place. The impact of interventions will be monitored and parents will be communicated with throughout the process. The aim of any intervention is to give children the skills and resilience to self-regulate and manage their own emotions in the future. Mrs Allan is very skilled within her role and as well as a degree in teaching and learning, she has successfully completed courses such as: mental health first aid, bereavement training and mental health lead. Mrs Allan is passionate about supporting children with their mental health and well-being; if children are happy they will learn and flourish.