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St James' Catholic Primary School'Where we belong, believe and achieve'.

Live Simply Award

Bishop Tom presented our Live Simply award during our whole school worship assembly. We then spent a lovely morning celebrating this award, each class completed a different activity to represent all we have achieved during our Live Simply journey. What a lovely day we had celebrating and welcoming Bishop Tom into our school. 

LiveSimply in action

Live in solidarity - Year 4 created a hamper from donated items. All proceeds went to the Good Shepherd Appeal. #livesimply

Having designed a product, and then researched the price of the ingredients, Year 5 sold their New Year Celebration Stick for 80p each. They used their maths skills to run a stall and made a healthy profit. They made sure it was in line with our LiveSimply ethos and will use the profits to buy a Cafod gift. 

Looking after our environment

Our Year 2 children took it upon themselves to litter pick during their own break time! #livingsimply 

Live Simply Club

Designing our stones to decorate for our prayer garden. 

Painting and decorating stones for our prayer garden using our school Gospel values. 

Creating biodegradable flower pots to grown sunflower seeds in our garden! 
