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St James' Catholic Primary School'Where we belong, believe and achieve'.


Summer 2- Animation

Summer 1- The International Space Station

We labelled different parts of a computer and discussed what they do; keyboard, mouse and screen. We also looked at the similarities between a desktop computer, a laptop and a tablet. 

We went in a Technology Safari around school and made a list of all the different types of technology that actually have a computer inside them!

We know that technology plays such a big role, even in our supermarkets. We created our own shop role play to demonstrate this. We had shoppers, scanners, cashiers and database operators. 

We have loved exploring Scratch Jr and ‘tinkering’ to explore what the different codes do. We have been creating animations, ensuring that our characters move realistically by giving the programme more than one set of instructions! 

To follow an algorithm

Still image for this video
We looked at following an algorithm to program a joke by designing a background, adding relevant characters and using the green sound blocks to record voices. We hope you like our jokes!

To follow an algorithm

Still image for this video

To follow an algorithm

Still image for this video

Autumn 2- word processing

Autumn 1- Online Safety
