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St James' Catholic Primary School'Where we belong, believe and achieve'.

Art and DT

In Year 6, we start by looking at Stylisation. The children will develop their knowledge and understanding of this term and familiarise themselves with a variety of stylisation media. We look at famous artists that use this style as well as linking to other areas of our curriculum. The children will create a lino printing using this technique. We will firstly design three images, paint them and then layer them on top of each other to create our finished piece but using different designs. We will use North American animals and their habitats to inspire our designs. 


"I love art because I am always developing my skills and every spare minute I get, I am always drawing so to do it in school as well is brilliant!" Logan -Y6


Anderson Shelter Project

For our first DT project in Y6, we look at Anderson Shelters. We look at how they were designed, what they were used for and how they helped to save lives during WW2. The children had great fun making these shelters and challenged themselves across all the elements of this Design and Technology project. 
